#e <t>calendar<d>3760<n>beginning of Hebrew era<c>Mesopotamia<info>The modern Hebrew calendar begins at Creation, which is reckoned to have occurred 3,760 years before the Christian era.
// Noah
#p <o>patriarch<n>Noah<b>2841<d>age 950<info>Noah lived to be 950 years old. According to the genealogy in Genesis 11, Noah was born 890 years before Abraham.<ref>Gen 5:28-9:29
#p <o>patriarch<n>Shem<fa>Noah<gen>500<d>age 600<info>Shem lived to be 600 years old.<ref>Gen 10:21-31; Gen 11:10-11
#p <o>patriarch<n>Arphaxad<fa>Shem<gen>100<d>age 438<info>Arphaxad lived to be 438 years old.<ref>Gen 11:10-13
#p <o>patriarch<n>Shelah<fa>Arphaxad<gen>35<d>age 433<info>Shelah lived to be 433 years old.<ref>Gen 11:12-15
#p <o>patriarch<n>Eber<fa>Shelah<gen>30<d>age 464<info>Eber lived to be 464 years old.<ref>Gen 11:14-17
#p <o>patriarch<n>Peleg<fa>Eber<gen>34<d>age 239<info>Peleg lived to be 239 years old.<ref>Gen 11:16-19
#p <o>patriarch<n>Reu<fa>Peleg<gen>30<d>age 239<info>Reu lived to be 239 years old.<ref>Gen 11:18-21
#p <o>patriarch<n>Serug<fa>Reu<gen>32<d>age 230<info>Serug lived to be 230 years old.<ref>Gen 11:20-23
#p <o>patriarch<n>Nahor<fa>Serug<gen>30<d>age 148<info>Nahor lived to be 148 years old.<ref>Gen 11:22-25
#p <o>patriarch<n>Terah<fa>Nahor<gen>29/*b. 2021*/<d>age 205<c>Ur<mov>age 120(20)<c>Haran<info>Terah lived to be 205 years old. He was 70 years old when his son Abram was born.<ref>Gen 11:24-32
// Abraham
#p <o>patriarch<n>Abraham<aka>Abram<b>1951<d>age 175<fa>Terah<c>Ur<mov>age 50(20)<c>Haran<mov>age 75<c>Canaan<info>Abraham moved from Ur to Haran with his father Terah, and his father died there. God told him to leave his native land, and promised him many descendants. Abraham left Haran for Canaan when he was 75. When he was 86, Hagar bore him the son Ishmael. At age 99, God appeared to him and said Sarah would bear him a son, Isaac, who was born the next year. After Sarah died, Abraham married Keturah. She bore him six more sons. Galatians 3:17 states that the promise to Abraham was 430 years before the law was given, which was in the third month after the Exodus. This places his birth about 505 years before the Exodus, which was in about 1446 B.C.<ref>Gen 10:26-25:11; Gal 3:17
#p <n>Sarah<aka>Sarai<fem><fa>Terah<gen>80<d>age 127<c>Ur<mov>age 40(20)<c>Haran<mov>age 65<c>Canaan<info>Sarah was Abram's half sister (his father's daughter, but not his mother's). She was about 10 years younger than Abram.<ref>Gen 10:29-23:19
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>patriarch<n>Nahshon<b>1500(20)<fa>Amminadab<c>Egypt<mov>1446<c>Sinai<d>1416(10)<info>Nahshon was the leader of the tribe of Judah during the Exodus.<ref>Num 1:7; 1 Chron 2:10-11
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>patriarch<n>Jesse<b>1140(40)<d>1030(10)<fa>Obed<c>Judah<info>Jesse had seven sons, of which David was the youngest, and at least two daughters.<ref>Ruth 4:17-22; 1 Chron 2:12-16
#e <t>migration<n>Hebrews in the wilderness<d>1446<e>1406<c>Sinai<info>The Hebrews wandered in the Sinai desert for 40 years. 1 Kings 6:1 places the exodus 476 years before the accession of Soloman, which means that the Hebrews left Egypt in 1446 B.C.<ref>Exodus; Leviticus; Numbers; Deuteronomy; 1 Kings 6:1
// Period of the Judges
#e <t>battle<n>Shiloh destoyed<d>1050(10)<c>Shiloh<info>probably by Philistines
// Prophets
// 444-432 era of Nehemia
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>prophet<n>Isaiah<d>680(5)<c>Jerusalem<info>Jeremiah began ministy in 627, and died in Egypt.
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>prophet<n>Ezekiel<b>623<c>Jerusalem<info>Ezekiel began his ministry in 593 B.C.
//Joel (609-586 B.C.)
#p <nat>Hebrew<o>prophet<n>Daniel<b>615(5)<d>525(5)<c>Jerusalem<mov>605<c>Babylon<info>Daniel was among a group of Hebrews deported from Jerusalem in either 605 or 597 B.C. to Babylon
#e <t>prophesy<au>Daniel<n>Daniel 7<d>553<c>Babylon<info>This was during the first year of Belshazzar's reign.<ref>Dan 7
#e <t>prophesy<au>Daniel<n>Daniel 8<d>551<c>Babylon<info>This was during the third year of king Belshazzar.<ref>Dan 8
#e <t>prophesy<au>Daniel<n>Daniel 9<d>538 Jan (12)<c>Babylon<info>This was during the first year of Darius' reign.<ref>Dan 9
#e <t>prophesy<au>Daniel<n>Daniel 10<d>536(1)<c>Babylon<info>This was the third year of Cyrus' conquest of Babylonia.<ref>Dan 10
// Post-exile
#e <t>translation<t>Judaism<n>Septuagint<d>205(75)<c>Alexandria<info>The Septuagint is a Greek translation of the Hebrew scriptures.